The National WWII Museum located on Magazine St. in New Orleans Louisiana is a must see!!
It is ranked number 4 of all museums in the United States and guaranteed to not only bring you back in history to the attack on Pearl Harbor Hawaii December 7, 1941, but will put you front and center on the battlefields of the Pacific, Northern Africa, Europe, and Natzi Germany. The "Road to Berlin" is an accessible tour, at a great price with discounts offered to veterans and their companions, and is completely interactive with each ticket holder being issued a set of dog tags linked to a soldier, sailor, or Marine that follows them throughout their tours of service via headphones linked to listening stations.
The museum is displayed with time period firearms, entrenchments, vehicles, and aircraft, all meticulously restored, and viewing stations strategically placed throughout describing the rolls each vehicle played during the war.
There is a 4D movie theater equipped with rubble seats, surround sound, falling snow, and air bursts that not only depict the landings of D-day and the arduous battlefield conditions the soldiers faced throughout the battles, but the 4D stimulus gives the impression that you are embedded with the allies and American fighting forces throughout the winters of Northern Europe. The 4D experience is likewise accessible with seat cutouts for wheelchair users and plenty of room for companion seating. The tour guides are extremely helpful and put disabled patrons to the front of the line, and ushers insure the isles stay clear.
If you are anywhere in the area, make the time to attend and see firsthand the patriotism, dedication, and sacrifice that earned these brave men and women the title "The Greatest Generation", and witness how they liberated the world from Empirical Japan and the tyranny that was Adolf Hitler.